
Restart of Eclipse caused half the colors to go black – Unusable [Fixed]

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  • #514136 Reply

    A. Rick Anderson

    I love the theme, but then I restarted Eclipse, and when it came back up (the first time, since the update came out), half the font colors appear to be black, and it was not readable. I had installed the update a few days before.

    Note: I originally had installed the Icon Designer, along with the theme, but I was getting error messages every time that I saved (which I do constantly). After I uninstalled the Icon Designer, the error messages went away.

    Note: Even before I installed the theme, I had increased the font size throughout Eclipse to account for aging eyes.

    Fix: I went back to the marketplace, installed the Eclipse Color Theme, and the Moon Rise Theme.

    The directions on the Moon Rise Theme ad, gave me enough hints that I was able to find the correct menu options on a Mac to find how to change color Themes. When I reapplied the Darkest Dark theme, the appropriate colors were once more visible, and things seem to be working fine now.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #514190 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for the report – we put out an update, 2017 CI 3a, on March 2, at about 4:45 AM CDT. The restart you mentioned (after which everything went black) – was this after this time? Do you know when you installed first? I’m trying to ascertain what release you’re coming from and which one you updated to.

    Did you have the Eclipse Color Themes plugin installed at any time in the past, or did you make any customizations with Eclipse Color Themes when installed with the Darkest Dark plugin? (We had it for CI 2 and CI 3, but in CI 3a, it will be removed if you did not already have it installed, prior to installing Darkest Dark). Also, when you say font colors appeared black – do you mean in the editors? Or were you seeing this in the resource navigators and views as well?

    3A does include a number of fixes for the Icon Designer, so if you wanted to give that a shot again, we’d like to see if you still run into lingering issues.

    Apologies for the inconvenience caused, and thanks again for taking the time to report your experience here, we’d like to get to the bottom of this.

    #514377 Reply

    A. Rick Anderson

    I may have had Eclipse Color Theme plugin installed in the past. Not sure if I had it installed on this installation of Eclipse. I definitely didn’t do any changes with Darkest Dark plugin installed, other than increasing the fonts sizes.

    The restart, where most of the fonts went dark, was definitely on the 2nd, between 16:45 EST, and 20:00 EST. My first fix attempt was to see if there was an update, and all I got on the MarketPlace was the indication that the plugin was installed. My Eclipse is configured to automatically update, upon restart, so I am sure that I picked up the update when I restarted and went black.

    My initial recollection was that the fonts where selectively black (or at least, appeared invisible) throughout the display. But obviously, I was able to see enough of the display to navigate to the MarketPlace, and then, post-restart (again), to the Color Theme menu.

    That suggests that the problem may have been centered on the editors, rather than the general display.

    I appreciate the theme. I’ve tried doing this manually in the past, and finally gave it up because of all the permutations involved. Doing this well, as you have done, is a ton of work, just for the color selections, much less all the customizations that y’all have done!

    The white background displays that are so prevalent on today’s displays just sucks down energy (psychic) while trying to deal with the glare. Flipping over to the new Darkest Dark theme is like resting your eyes in the shades of a cool forest glade.

    #514690 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for the detailed report and the kind words, much appreciated!
    Based on the times you specified, I believe you may have run into an edge case bug with our latest 2017 CI 3a release, around the Eclipse Color Themes plugin.

    Since we now no longer rely on the Eclipse Color Themes plugin, if we don’t find it installed, the upgrade process will remove some Eclipse Color Theme preferences (which we ourselves were using in the prior releases). Unfortunately, there are some edge cases here where legitimate preferences which should have been retained were deleted, especially in cases where users did use ECT in the past and then uninstalled it, or moved to another Eclipse instance which didn’t have it installed, while keeping the same workspace.

    Apologies again for the inconvenience caused, we’re glad you were able to work around it and continue to use Darkest Dark!

    #517955 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hey, CI4 is released and it contains a lot of fixes related to color preferences.
    This time if you don’t have Eclipse Color Theme installed, Darkest Dark will handle the removal of all Darkest Dark Colors.

    Anyways, you won’t need ECT anymore: our new Darkest Dark Preferences page will let you choose between diferent editor color themes and it also allows you to import ECT themes.

    Why don’t you give it a try and let us know your findings? Thanks a lot for your support!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #518449 Reply

    A. Rick Anderson

    I am getting black on black fonts in certain locations. I do not know if this is unique to CI4, but I just noticed while editing this afternoon.

    ex: File –> Properties –> Java Code Style –> Variable Types. The type list is a very dark font, displayed with a very dark background. I am unable to read the fonts.

    When I open this list for editing, the actual list items remains black on black (not quite the same, because I can barely make out that there are letters present).
    According to the Marketup window, I have CI4 installed,
    According to Eclipse-Installed, I have:
    Darkest Dark Theme – – com.genuitec.eclipse.theming.feature.feature.group – Genuitec, LLC

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by A. Rick Anderson. Reason: Added screen shot one of the window that I am having problems with
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    #518555 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello @Rick, unfortunately we cannot customize colors for disabled controls in SWT since that is controled by the OS. In that page if you click on “Enable project specific sttings”, the controls will become enabled and then you will see them much clearly.

    Thanks for your support!
    Aaron – from the dark side

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