
Restart Required as rebuild does not work

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  • #316319 Reply

    Any little change in code is not reflected when doing a clean and rebuild. I have tried everything and the only thiing that works is to exit and restart. What am I doing wrong?!!

    MyEclipse For Spring
    Application Status
    App version: 0.1
    Grails version: 1.3.7
    Groovy version: 1.7.8
    JVM version: 1.6.0_23
    Controllers: 4
    Domains: 4
    Services: 0
    Tag Libraries: 11
    Installed Plugins
    filters – 1.3.7
    logging – 1.3.7
    i18n – 1.3.7
    core – 1.3.7
    servlets – 1.3.7
    codecs – 1.3.7
    urlMappings – 1.3.7
    tomcat – 1.3.7
    dataSource – 1.3.7
    groovyPages – 1.3.7
    controllers – 1.3.7
    mimeTypes – 1.3.7
    domainClass – 1.3.7
    converters – 1.3.7
    scaffolding – 1.3.7
    hibernate – 1.3.7
    validation – 1.3.7
    services – 1.3.7

    #316344 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into issues. Could you answer below queries –
    1. Copy and paste your installation details. Refer FAQ – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-view-the-installation-details/&highlight=&sid=67282e7d06296eec9aa14004045d7a5e
    2. Perform -clean, refer – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshoot-using-the-clean-command-line-argument/
    3. Clear your .log file located at [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log, replicate steps and attach .log here. Here is the FAQ – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-upload-attachments-on-forum/&highlight=&sid=67282e7d06296eec9aa14004045d7a5e
    4. What is the type of project you are working on and what are the changes that do not reflect till you perform a clean and rebuild?
    5. Please attach screenshot of help > myeclipse configuration center > Software tab
    6. Also elaborate the steps in detail to help me replicate

    #316423 Reply

    Its appears that if I stop the built in development server(STS tc Server v2.1) then do a clean/rebuild then restart the server the changes do take effect. I shouldn’t have to do that. So does that make it an STS issue and not a Eclipse one?

    #316528 Reply



    At the moment, it is difficult for me to understand what could be the possible root cause, you are on ME4S and have a lot of plugins added. I am redirecting your post to MyEclipse for Spring. You are on ME4S and the support staff of ME4S would be able to help you with your issue.

    Could you clear your .log file located at [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log, replicate the steps and copy and paste relevant portions of your .log here. Also attach screenshot of the issue to help us get a visual.

    #316536 Reply

    You can view a demo of the issue at http://www.mediafire.com/?ascl79jdj4e2hlj since I can’t upload wmv files.

    #317071 Reply


    Thanks for the post. I watched your video and I am pretty confident that there is nothing in the MyEclipse for Spring plugins that could cause this issue. Fundamentally you are writing Groovy and running it on Springs TC Server using Springs Tool Suite. We are really just one of the plugins in this environment and generally, there would be none of our code involved in the use case that you demonstrated. I would like to make sure though that you find a resolution to this issue. My immediate thought when watching your video is that the embedded browser in the Eclipse environment may be caching your page. I never saw you hit refresh on the browser. one thing to try then would be to test the following:

    1. Run an external browser (chrome or otherwise) and point it at your url
    2. Make a change to your file
    3. Save it
    4. Hit refresh in the browser

    It also looks like you had a few errors on startup but I couldn’t catch what they were, you may want to make sure that there was nothing critical happening at startup that would cause the hot deploy capabilities to fail.

    Finally, if you are not able to find the work around and you still need assistance, I would need you to verify two things.
    1. That STS hot deploys changes without our plugins
    2. That STS fails to hot deploy changes with our plugins

    Let me know what you see.

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