
Rolling up of textField on listItem

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  • #343026 Reply


    I have met a problem on my MobiOne app.

    When drag down a textfield on listitem, the textfield stangely roll up with other form like checkbox and text.

    This can be seen on the TestCenter app through my PC.
    Also seen on ipad in case of web app that was uploaded to a server.

    Can I avoid this problem?

    #343035 Reply

    Hi ueda,

    What Mobione version are you using? Can you share a screenshot?

    >Also seen on ipad in case of web app that was uploaded to a server.
    What is your ipad model and OS? Does it happen with a native app?

    #343049 Reply


    Hi Octavio,

      I am using Version 2.3.2(hot fix 1 20130425).
    Attached are sample screen shot of the rolling up and so on.
    My daughter’s iPad version is iOS Version 6.0.

    The rolling up is seen in Test Center run through my Win7 PC.
    Also the phenomenon was seen on iPad in case of web app that was uploaded to a server.
    I have not checked the phenomenon of the app as native app, because the app is on a way of development.

    Thank you for your support,

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    #343051 Reply

    Hi ueda,

    Please attach sample file to replicate the issue and investigate it.

    #343056 Reply


    Hi Octavio,

    I attached rollup-problem-check.mobi file as a sample in that the rolling up phenomenon is seen too.


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    #343108 Reply

    Hi ueda,

    Thanks for sharing the sample file. We have opened a bug and are investigating.

    #343152 Reply

    Hi ueda,

    We have been investigating this issue and tracked it back to a bug in the webkit rendering engine. We also researched the chrome blink implementation of webkit for a solution that we might be able to exploit in mobione. No luck atm! This issue can only be resolved at the core browser level. We will continue to track this issue with the webkit team with the hope that it will be resolved soon and work its way into ios and android shortly thereafter.

    #343200 Reply


    Hi  Octavio,

    Thank you for report on the investigation and tracking on this issue.
    I hope this issue soon will be resolved.

    Thanks in advance,

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