
RSS Alternatives

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  • #336775 Reply


    We all know as of yet the RSS feeds can be somewhat difficult to include. There are two good alternatives though.

    1. Google Feed Api – you can see a example in the MobiOne CheatSheet: http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5032

    2. RSS Include web site. https://www.rssinclude.com they offer a pretty good solution, both free and paid.
    The free solution will allow only the last five feeds, with a couple other restrictions. like a backlink.
    The paid version offers more features.

    I have a working example of RSS Include here: http://cincyplanet.com/nrhs/
    I used several different styles of feeds, including the Twitter, iPhone ( I really like this one), etc.

    I have also had the best luck with the snippet that is async JavaScript with mobione.

    #337023 Reply



    I like your Rss is this a app to download ?

    here: http://cincyplanet.com/nrhs/

    #337137 Reply


    That one is for a client, so its not available for download. Though the techniques it uses are the same as above and work very well in any app, and very easy to add.

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