
rt.jar for debugging

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  • #225096 Reply

    Chris Wilder

    I am trying to use debug on a class I wrote, and it works fine until I try to step-over another class which is doing a System.loadLibrary. Then a window comes up with ClassLoader.class at the top, the first line saying “The jar file rt.jar has no source attachment.”

    I have been looking at the Sun forums and see that there is no version of rt.jar compiled for debug, and that it is very difficult to create.

    Is there a solution to this?


    P.S. I am using j2re1.4.2_06.

    #225100 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Then a window comes up with ClassLoader.class at the top, the first line saying “The jar file rt.jar has no source attachment.”

    Please navigate to Window > Prefs > Java > Installed JREs, select your JDK then attach the source file that comes with the JDK (src.zip) to rt.jar. This should help, unless execution goes INTO the com.sun or othere none-public APIs, then you will get the source not found error and will either need to download the JDK’s full source from Sun after agreeing to their license or just step over that code and ignore it.

    #225101 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft dev, this is not related to MyEclipse.

    #227976 Reply


    I came across this as well. For me, I was creating a new Vector and passing this new vector as an arg:

    foo(new Vector);

    When debugging, I told the debugger to step into on the line above, and it tried to follow the constructor for Vector, which I imagine either is not public, or I have failed to attach the source correctly when following the above directions. Not really looking for help, but just thought it might help.

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