
running a myeclipse created web app in rad6

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  • #249944 Reply

    I work for a company that uses rad6 as the default IDE and we have chosen to use myeclipse as our flavor of IDE for a new project. The problem is that we need to be able to deploy/run our application in both IDE’s. I have not been able to figure out how to get this to work in rad6.

    Here’s what i am doing:
    1. I import the web project that was created in myeclipse to rad6.
    2. I set up a default server in rad6, WSAD6, and then I click “run on server”. when I do this rad6 tells me that it found nothing to deploy. Is there anyway you know how to make this work. I have searched high and low and have been unsuccessful to this day to get it to work.

    Please HELP!


    #249970 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    None of us have used RAD6 or have it installed to try this out, but I wonder if RAD6 has some sort of deployment step like MyEclipse does. Try checking the help for the keyword “Deployment” to see if it pops up some quick trigger you need to set or something easy like that.

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