
Running an App in the background

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  • #345015 Reply


    Hi, I’m trying to find an example that will allow my App to run in the background when a device goes into Sleep mode, i.e. after x minutes of inactivity the screen goes off.

    Also, with an App running, when a device goes into sleep mode is there a method that will allow my App to launch by either the user doing the following:
    i) Shaking the phone,
    ii) holding down a key (if we installed the App on a SmartPhone)

    Regards, Mark

    #345016 Reply


    I dont believe Mobione supports background activity at this time.

    #345022 Reply



    As @cincyplanet shared MobiOne apps are not backgroundable. We have been researching adding limited background support,e.g., audio, geolocation services, network, timing, …? Can you share what type of background activities and services you would need? Also the “resume” actions you outlined, is this just a short-cut for the user manually resuming from something like the ios or android apps manager?

    #345091 Reply


    Hi Wayne, thank you for replying.

    1) Basically, Windows has 2 features:
    Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode – this will allow an App to run even though the Phone has gone to “sleep”

    Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode – this disables the Phone from going to “sleep” but the only danger here is that the battery will deplete very quickly.

    So, I wan wondering whether MobiOne supports such features for iPhone and Android platforms.

    2) Shortcut features – if a Phone is “locked” and they want to use the App, they have to unlock their phone and then press on an icon to activate the App. Our App is a panicButton type app so if a user can hold down a key or do something to activate the App without worrying about unlocking etc this feature would be helpful. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    @support-wayne wrote:


    As @cincyplanet shared MobiOne apps are not backgroundable. We have been researching adding limited background support,e.g., audio, geolocation services, network, timing, …? Can you share what type of background activities and services you would need? Also the “resume” actions you outlined, is this just a short-cut for the user manually resuming from something like the ios or android apps manager?

    #345101 Reply

    Hi etagski,

    Neither of the features you outlined are supported by MobiOne.

    #345107 Reply


    Hi, thank you for your reply.

    Have you any suggestions to my 2nd question?

    2) Shortcut features – if a Phone is “locked” and they want to use the App, they have to unlock their phone and then press on an icon to activate the App. Our App is a panicButton type app so if a user can hold down a key or do something to activate the App without worrying about unlocking etc this feature would be helpful. Any suggestions would be most welcome

    Many thanks,

    @support-octavio wrote:

    Hi etagski,

    Neither of the features you outlined are supported by MobiOne.

    #345140 Reply


    >Have you any suggestions to my 2nd question?
    >Our App is a panicButton type app so if a user can hold down a key or do something to activate the App without worrying about unlocking

    This is out scope for mobione’s capabilities.

    side-note: I recall hearing of only 1 app that had a similar feature. The premise of the app is to generate a fake interruption by having a service call your phone. For example you are in a face-to-face meeting that you want to get out of. So you use this app and the service it connects to to call and interrupt you. The call gives you a natural break to disengage… I never used this app but supposedly you could activate it by swiping the screen with 4 fingers. This would be a great app to give to you daughter to use with some creepy guy is hitting up on her and she needs to simulate a fake call from her dad or big brother to get the guy to back off.

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