
Running My Eclipse with Tomcat 1.6 and SVN

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  • #332135 Reply


    i am using svn repository with MyEclipse as well as using TOmcat 1.6.x to test using localhost:8080 in my web page.
    when i make a change within Package Explorer (which is pointing to my svn checkout directory), and then try running it using Tomcat, it doesn’t use my svn repository, it actually is reading some older revision from within my Tomcat directory.

    Can you tell me why its not looking at my svn directory when trying to test it in my browser?

    i’m sure its a simple config problem, but pulling my hair out trying to find it. thanks

    #332151 Reply


    Workspace copy is used rather than SVN repository when running in tomcat.

    For hot deployment to work please make sure “Project->Build Automatically” is switched on. Hot code replacement works (only?) if automatic build is switched on.

    Also, If you are using the Servers view to launch Tomcat and are selecting “Run”, you need to stop it and select “Debug”… the server has to be running in Debug mode.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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