
Running ZK studio under MyEclipse?

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  • #289282 Reply


    Has anybody tried running ‘ZK Studio’ under MyEclipse?

    As a J2EE newbie, I’m hoping somebody can help me with some idiot level instructions on how to make this work, and more specifically how to deploy/run a ZK web app under the MyEclipse IDE.

    #289292 Reply


    Solved it.

    The sequence is…
    * Add a new ‘Dynamic Web Project’
    * Add a new ZUL form
    * From the ‘MyEclipse/project capabilities’ menu select the ‘Add Web project capability’ option. In the dialog that appears make sure the ‘create web.xml’ check box is not checked.
    * Select your ZK project in the ‘Project Explorer’ pane
    * Right click and select the ‘Run as/open run dialog’ menu item
    * In the ‘Run’ dialog that pops up the select the ZK project and set the server to ‘MyEclipse Tomcat’
    * Open the ‘web.xml file – change one of the ‘welcome-file’ entries to whatever your opening ZUL file name is.

    Select ‘Run/…’ toolbar option to execute the ZK web app.

    #289334 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Thanks for posting this information.

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