
Scaffolding CRUD Applicatoin for one-to-many problem

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  • #319746 Reply


    I ran the scaffolding CRUD application for 1-n relationship such as invoice and invoice item and there is an option to choose which one is the parent table (in this case, invoice is the parent table). The generated pages and codes are incorrect. The domain object for invoice item has no name queries created and the invoice class has no reference to invoice item at all. The generated page has no reference to invoice item at all. I would expect something like master-detail page(s) generated from this wizard.

    Is this a feature? I am running my eclipse for Spring 9 on Mac.

    #319933 Reply


    Can you post your schema and DB version information.
    Also, this screen regarding parents is confusing as it is currently implemented. You should go ahead and generate code with both Entities selected as parents since this gives you the most complete code implementation.

    Generally speaking, if you choose one Entity in the relationship as a parent, the other entity should be emitted as a managed child with relationships etc.

    If that did not happen, it may be due to the way the keys are being managed in the DB.

    Your schema can help me to determine this.


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