
Scaffolding from POJO domain class not working

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  • #315179 Reply


    Hi all.
    I am trying MyEclipse from a couple of days, and I am stucked..
    I can’t scaffold starting from domain to a Database.
    I have seen a lot of tutorials that make reverse engineering (Database to domains, DAO) but noone from Domain Class to Database.
    This is what I make:

    1) create the domain classes (for commodity just say one only, named Car)
    2) the content is pretty basic, just to try:
    private long Id;
    private String model;
    3) I generated getters and setters (Source, generate…)
    4) MyEclipse – > Add JPA Capabilities
    – select TopLink. Next
    – specify the data source to MySQL (prec. created Driver & Catalog/Schema), then enable dynamic DB table creation. Finish (this point has been avoid in another test, with same failure)
    5) MyEclipse – > Add JPA Annotation
    – annotate fields. Finish.
    In the domain class have been generated the imports (import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id;
    ), @entity, @id and@GeneratedValue.
    6) MyEclipse – > Scaffold Spring CRUD Application
    – select JPA Entities. Next
    – add Car domain. Next
    – Package com.test
    (selected: scaffold web layer, Service layer, DAO). Next
    – Select DB connection previously setted (MySQL) Next
    – select Spring MVC Scaffolding. Next
    – Next (in personalize UI)
    – Next (in select Target Folder, using default ones)
    – Summary -> Finish.

    A lot of libraries, DAO files, controllers, service Layers have been added.
    But the database has not been created.
    What I make wrong? How database table will be generated?

    Thank you for your help… if I solve that I will by sure subscribe to MyEclipse!

    #315186 Reply

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