
Scaffolding in a maven project

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  • #491969 Reply



    i am not sure. Is it possible to scaffold spring webflow into a maven archetype / project?

    If yes, do you have an example, which maven archetype can I use?

    Thank you very much

    #491975 Reply



    Yes, you can scaffold Spring Web Flow into a maven project.

    In MyEclipse, the standard way to create a Maven project is via the ‘Add Maven support’ checkbox in the Web Project creation wizard.

    If you want to create a Maven project and select an archetype, then I suggest selecting the one with group id of “org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes” and an artifact id that starts with “webapp”.

    Right click on the maven project > MyEclipse > Scaffold Spring CRUD Application, follow the wizard and select ‘Spring Web Flow’ on the Select Web Client Type wizard page.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you see any issues.

    MyEclipse Support

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