
scriptable deployments

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  • #209385 Reply


    One feature that I would like is the ability to hook into the deployment process.

    This way, I could build a custom soloution as a workaround for


    It will also allow people to build deployment soloutions for their specific environment, and possibly make work arounds for other features that are not yet implemented in MyEclipseIDE.

    I would think that something like BSF or Jython (or even Ant) hooks would provide a good soloution.

    For example, I am using maven to manage dependencies, which means that the JARs are in MAVEN_HOME. If MyEclipseIDE supported deployment hooks, I could do something like :

    (in pseudo code)
    onRedeployApp(containerDef, webApp, deploymentProfile):
    for each external jar in webApp.classpath:
    copy to deployemtProfile.contextRoot + “/WEB-INF/lib”

    I am sure that these hooks could allow people to do all sorts of neat things.

    #210621 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The link you referenced, and your psuedo code below is already fixed/implemented by 3.8 Beta 2 (I thikn it was even fixed in Beta 1). Besides that and about the general question of deployment hooks, we are currently talking about how best to do this, but won’t address it until a later release.

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