
Scroll issue with HTML Container

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    I’m using the plugin datatable (http://www.datatable.net) to show data inside tables and all is working properly in the web simulator and Iphone and Android fine except the scroll. The datatable API has his own scroll but the scroll only works in the website simulator.
    I’ve followed the tutorial Tutorial: Tutorial: How to Scroll HTML Widget Content and the result is:
    1) embed html widget in a scroll panel and size the panel’s: Not feasible due to the limitation of 1000px
    2) implement my own iscroll component around the table: Working fine but if you want to use other features of the datatable plugin are not compatible, such as the search box, it doesn´t works. If you add the iscroll you lost other features.

    the best solution should be that works the own scroll that has the datatablke api inside of HTML container.

    Dear support, my questions to you are:

    1) Is possible to do anything in order works the own scroll of the datatable API inside the HTM container?
    2) any other workaround to solve this ?

    I attach you an isolate project in order you can check the internal scroll that has the datatable API works in the web simulator fine but not in Android and Apple.

    Without a solutions is not possible to do any app that manage datas inside tables because all of them needs scrolls


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