
scroll not working with datatable (table jquery plugin)

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  • #347001 Reply


    Hello, I’m using the datatable (table jquery plugin ) and with the simulator in mobione is working fine, but when I build and sent to IOS and android the vertical scroll of the table doesn´t appears. All is working fine, except the scroll. The vertical scroll is done with “sScrollY”

    Anyone can help me ?

    The code I’m using is:
    oTable = $(‘#tabla_practicas_realizadas’).dataTable({
    “sScrollY”: “200px”,
    “aaData”: [

    “bScrollCollapse”: true,
    “aoColumns”: [
    { “sTitle”: “Fecha” },
    { “sTitle”: “H. Inicio” },
    { “sTitle”: “H. Fin” },
    { “sTitle”: “Coche” }

    “oLanguage”: {
    “oPaginate”: {
    “sNext”: “Siguiente”

    #347019 Reply


    It also happend with other libraries, not only with the datatable plugin of Jquery. You can see the img attached, the scroll is showed whe I run in Mobione simulator but when deploy to the device, the scroll is not showed.

    Please, anyone can help me ?

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    #347020 Reply

    Mike Felker

    Whether or not the scroll wheel shows, can the user swipe the list successfully with their fingers?


    #347021 Reply


    No, using the fingers neither. It is like the scroll doesn´t exits when send the app to the device Android or Apple.

    #347026 Reply

    Hi cor9003,

    The options we are aware of are:
    1) embed html widget in a scroll panel and size the panel’s ht to max of html widget’s content, see Tutorial: How to Scroll HTML Widget Content
    2) implement your own iscroll component around the table
    3) Adding -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; CSS property (but be aware we never tested how it works when combined with iScroll)

    The later 2 require more know-how and coding and debugging skills.

    #347058 Reply



    I’ve checked the firts two options and none provide good results.

    1) embed html widget in a scroll panel and size the panel’s ht to max of html widget’s content, see Tutorial: How to Scroll HTML Widget Content. This option has limitations with the HTML hight and cannot use with tables because sure will exceed this limtations.
    2) implement your own iscroll component around the table. I’ve created a small app to check and it works properly, but when i insert it in my app with lists items, multipages, screens, etc all works fine with bounce = true, but not works with bounce = false, that I need

    Do you have any solution for the bounce ?

    As far as I know the problem is because I use a embebed HTML and this widget is not compatible with scrolls yet.

    Are you planning to solve soon this issue ?

    Thanks in advance for your support

    #347070 Reply


    >2) implement your own iscroll component around the table. I’ve created a small app to check and it works properly, but when i insert it in my app with lists items, multipages, screens, etc all works fine with bounce = true, but not works with bounce = false, that I need

    Can you share this example? I’m curious why it doesn’t work for your project.

    #347080 Reply


    Yes, I can send you the app, do you have an email or private area to attach you the project ?. You can contact me in my email and I will send you the project.
    The app is linked with a database with customer information.

    Note I think the issue is when the html widget is placed in other screen and use the action “Go to Screen” to show it.

    Thanks for the support

    #347095 Reply

    Hi David,

    Send us a sample project that demonstrate the issue to support at genuitec dot com, please try to keep it as simpler as you can, so our debugging process will be faster.

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