
Secondary Screen functions working only once

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  • #332729 Reply


    I have a system where I have a main screen calling a number of secondary screens
    I have included the code for each screen in a seperate .js file and linked that file in the Javascript libraries section of the main screen ( I have also included the code in the main_custom.js file
    The secondary screens all load a combo which then runs some code in the OnChange event of the combox
    This works fine when I first enter the screen but when I return to the main screen and re-enter the secondary screen the combo box is still populated and the last item I selected is still displayed but selecting another item only changes the selection in the combo box , the OnChange code is not executed.
    When I debug with a breakpoint on the OnChange function the breakpoint is executed on the first entry but not on subsequent entries
    I have run out of ideas
    Has anyone else had this problem

    #332756 Reply


    I have developed a simple app to illustrate the problem
    If you would like a copy please EM me
    It appears that the SQLite executeSQL is not working on the subsequent calls
    Niether the success or error functions are being called and the whole function is being stepped over

    #332778 Reply

    Unknown Author

    This is an easy fix – if i’m understanding you – and one I use to wipe pages if a user navigates off halfway through entering information.

    phoneui.prePageTransition = function(currentPageId,targetPageId) {
      // add custom pre-transition code here
      // return false to terminate transition
    if (targetPageId == '#m1-ScreenTwo')


    #333039 Reply


    I have found that the problem does not appear in the complied version
    The problem appears to be with the Test Centre implementation

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