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  • #322152 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    In my Spring Security logout form I need access to session variables.

    I am finding if <logout invalidate-session=”true” within the http tag then I lose them.

    Setting <logout invalidate-session=”false” fixes the problem

    But there must be a reason you set <logout invalidate-session=”true. in the default M4S scaffolding.

    Is there any risk being run by not invalidating the session?


    #322155 Reply


    Hi P0rridge,

    I think this question is better posed on the Springsource forums. Perhaps there is a better way to do what you are trying to do that someone over there can help with?

    I would imagine that if you left the session valid, it would eventually time out but that is not generally a best practice because server resources would be tied up unnecessarily. Also, I’m far from a security expert but I think that if someone came along and used the same browser, they may get the same session, leaving your app open to unintended access in public locations.

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