
security scaffolding

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  • #349322 Reply

    Joshua Schricker

    I am trying to get the security scaffolding working. I went through the basic CRUD tutorial and then went onto the security scaffolding tutorial. It worked fine with the in-memory authentication but when I try to add scaffolding to a project with either a Derby or MySQL database authentication no tables are generated (user or authority). I’m not sure how to debug this. Can you please point me in the right direction?

    #349326 Reply


    We couldn’t replicate the issue at our end on MyEclipse for spring 2014.

    You need to reconnect and refresh the database connection inorder to view tables that are created. Open MyEclipse databse explorer perspective, expand MySQL/MyEclipse Derby connection, right click on Connected to MySQL/MyEclipse Derby and select Reconnect and refresh.

    For your visual reference, here is the screenshot of the tables that are created in MySQL

    If you don’t find tables even after reconnecting and refreshing the database connection, can you please answer some more queries to help us investigate further :
    1) Can you please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) If there are any errors of interest logged in the .log file located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log file, please attach the.log file to help us investigate further.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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