In a previous post I was provided with the following description of what gets loaded in the security tables in support of the security scaffolding.
Here is the sample data :
Users table – (ID – 1, ENABLED – 1, PASSWORD – 1234, USERNAME – testadmin)
Authorities table – (ID – 1, AUTHORITYNAME – ROLE_ADMIN)
User_Authorities table – (USER_ID = 1, AUTHORITIES_ID = 1)
Users table – (ID – 2, ENABLED – 1, PASSWORD – 1234, USERNAME – testguest)
Authorities table – (ID – 2, AUTHORITYNAME – ROLE_GUEST)
User_Authorities table – (USER_ID = 2, AUTHORITIES_ID = 2)
Question: ID shown above is an integer. Why does the scaffold create the table with ID as type String?