
Selected Menu List Component Question

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  • #316857 Reply


    I’m working with the Select & Input Components Panel. I’m trying to understand how to use some of the components in this panel. If I use the Selected Menu List Component to drill down to a second level using a spinner popup, how do I navigate to a different page when a spinner item is selected? I don’t see any Link Property. Am I misunderstanding the use of these Select Lists components? I’m thinking that a user would select something from the spinner and then go to another area.

    OK. Once again, I can’t delete this post. I guess this isn’t permitted in the forum. I think I’ve found my own answer. When the item is selected on the spinner, it displays the item number selected on the first Menu item.

    Thank you.

    #316861 Reply


    Currently SelectListMenu is limited to selection of an item or items from a list. Thus no page navigation is traditionally expected with list item selection. We plan to provide additional support in the near future for triggering off of selection completion.

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