
Servers view

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  • #229888 Reply


    Starting and stopping servers in ME is annoying. I think that solution from WSAD (or Eclipse WebTools ^^) is better – there is dedicated view with all enabled servers listed, few buttons for starting, stopping, restarting and popup menu for each server, which allow configuring some servers properties and deploying apps. I suppose that implementing this feature shoudn’t be hard or time consuming ;).

    Greetz, T.

    #229898 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We agree with you, no dobut about it. This should all change in our 5.0 release.

    #229938 Reply



    I mean 5.0 – 1 = 4.0. Do it in 4.0 😉
    Ok, serious, it isn’t too importatnt, just annoying, so I can live with it. OTOH I don’t even see 5.0 on your roadmap…

    #229950 Reply


    I has been said in another thread that Genuitec plans to jump straigt to 5.0 after 4.0, and that we may see 5.0 before the end of this year.

    I hope they really fix some of the outstanding issues. People have been talking about the server start/stop buttons since the very first version of MyEclipse. Same goes for the JSP editor problems.

    #229963 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I hope they really fix some of the outstanding issues. People have been talking about the server start/stop buttons since the very first version of MyEclipse. Same goes for the JSP editor problems.

    5.0 is going to be a huge release for us, since we do build on WTP (allows us to focus on tools and not infrastructure) alot of what we have planned relies on a stable release from them, so far we have our fingers crossed but if anything goes arwy with their release or quality of product, it will effect us and we may need to hold off on certain features until things stabalize.

    The bottom line is that we all use our own product, we know, just like you do, what is lame and what rocks. If something is severly lame (server buttons) and you can’t figure out how we can’t see it, trust us, we know about it, we are just waiting to do something really slick and timing our attack appropriately 😉

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