
setting runtime arguments -sorted

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  • #216202 Reply


    It’s OK , as soon as you post something the answer appears 🙂

    I’m getting a very helpful message that tells me ..
    Thr[thread 9]-DriverManagerConnectionPoolConnection not closed, check your code!
    OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
    Logical connection not closed, check your code!
    (Use -Djdbc.connection.debug=true to find out where the leaked connection was created)
    OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
    Logical connection not closed, check your code!
    (Use -Djdbc.connection.debug=true to find out where the leaked connection was created)</b>

    I’ve scoured the help and forums to no avail , where/how do I set runtime arguments ?

    #216255 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you getting these errors from Orion’s command line output? Navigate to the Orion connector settings, click on JDK and under “Optional arguments” add:


    And restart the server.

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