
Setting up multiple deployment points for the same app

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  • #199698 Reply

    John Harris

    This is a two part question really.

    1. I mount a remote file system on my Java development workstation (with MyEclipse on it) and use that directory to deploy my apps to the remote server. Is there a better way to do it?

    2. Is there a way to have two deployment points set up say for Tomcat4 where one points to a staging server for testing and another points to the production server after the updates have been tested?

    #199706 Reply

    @bean88 wrote:

    2. Is there a way to have two deployment points set up say for Tomcat4 where one points to a staging server for testing and another points to the production server after the updates have been tested?

    Right now it isn’t possible to deploy on two servers of same kind. For example you may only have one JBoss 3.x server but two JBoss if one is 3.x and the other 4.x. It’s a bit of a pain. I use a simple copy script to copy the tested deployment to the default server. (copy from test server’s deployment directory).

    #199714 Reply


    This is a good question. Our consulting policy is to always use a separate build and deployment environment separate from that of the IDE. That is developers user their tools for development and testing and QA and release management use their tools (e.g., Ant) since they are on the hook for such things. So MyEclipse user model has been developers focused on developing a J2EE applications, not production deployment. That is why we have not invested heavily in supporting multiple server instances.

    MyEclipse Support

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