- This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Matthias TamsMemberDear MyEclipse team,
pulse is the worst “feature” you introduced since MyEclipse exists. I only have troubles here behind our secure proxy. One day, pulse even sucked our proxy to death (maybe because of configuration issues, but *where* the h… is a configuration screen where I can influence the behaviour of this tool? Do I *really* have to go edit property files by hand? Not able to configure the number of concurrent connections? Not able to enter the proxy except when Pulse thinks it is necessary somewhere in the process?).
With plain eclipse I was able to configure one copy of eclipse on one machine and copy it to the other developer machines with no problems (12 machines in total). The eclipse update worked with our proxy and was only needed for minor updates, because I also embedded plugins in the copy mechanism. The sharing of profiles in pulse is useless for me, because each and every developer has to download the whole bunch, and our proxy is expected to serve hundreds of users, not only gigabytes of downloads for the developer IDEs.
You want me to pay for the possiblity of a local server installation through your corporate program? Only to achieve what was already possible with simply copying the installation? I am not willing to do this ending up with two licenses. Raise your price (be honest), gimme a MyEclipse edition with the possiblity of the local server installation contained in the license, please, then I will think about buying it and about sticking to MyEclipse.
There are more problems why I dislike pulse and why I am not able to use it in our environment, but I think the above mentioned are enough for me to think about switching to some other eclipse distribution. For example, not all plugins I used up to now are available through pulse. Ok, I could use update sites, but then – why use pulse anyway?
The problem with the AnyEdit tools you had recently is another topic. Forcing me to use Pulse, waiting for some external developer to take actions because *Pulse* cannot handle the kind of update site the developer offers? You are really kidding, aren’t you? What is *your* service in this scenario? Write a mail to an external developer and wait?
Another topic: Some plugin needed JRE6 to run. Offered by Pulse for my test installation running on JRE5. Of course, the plugin didn’t work. So, what is the value of Pulse (there was no information about the plugin needing JRE6)? Just concentrating the download from foreign update sites through your server and showing a nice list of plugins? Do you plan to embed any additional value into Pulse beyond this (except forcing my whole team to use profiles stored in the internet and download gigabytes and gigabytes 😉 ?
I am sorry, but I have to put these issues very clearly. If you will not offer a pulse free version of MyEclipse, I will go and look for another product for our development team in about one year when my coming license prolongation expires.
And: Please take a look at your quality in MyEclipse. The 7.0 release seems to have severe problems. For example, when I double click a file in the project tree, it often happens, that the file doesn’t open. I have to single click, wait about a second until the focus changes and then double click to open the file. I have roundabout 15 open maven projects.
I hope, you will rethink your strategy so I do not have to switch to another IDE/Distribution.
Kind regards
I placed my reputation on the line two years ago when I suggested that our department should move to the MyEclipse plugin. I had paid for my own subscription for several years prior to that because it had features I could not find with any other plugin or Eclipse framework. I used the 7.0 Betas and was really excited about the implementation of Ganymede. In fact, I though 7.0 Beta 2 was an outstanding product. However, with the production release of MyEclipse 7.0; and all of the problems I’ve had with Pulse, I am too embarrassed to even tell my users that 7.0 is generally available. In addition to the issues mentioned by MIDATA, I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have had to select the “Reinstall and Run” option because I module failed to launch correctly. In fact, as I write this, I’m having to do exactly. The process is running SOOO slow that It’s gone on for over an hour now; and is still not done. I have very little confidence that it will even take because it is so unreliable. Of course, I am in the middle of a mission critical deployment as well. If MyEclipse doesn’t rectify this problem; and I mean NOW!!!!!; and I am going to recommend we take our 200 users and go elsewhere. I am that frustrated with the product. Take Pulse, toss it in the trash can where it belongs; and give me back Eclipse’s update manager.
Riyad KallaMemberGuys, we appreciate you taking the time to voice your concerns here — while we get pretty busy and it may seem we aren’t listening, we always are. While we may have integrated Pulse a bit too early, it is an incredibly powerful and flexible technology stack. While Pulse has worked fine for some folks, especially after our last update, there are still some network setups (NTLM proxy environments) that can have slight tweaks or connection behaviors that throw Pulse’s network communication default settings for a loop (you can manually tweak certain communication behaviors here: http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=842 and can debug what is going wrong using settings from here: http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259)
Since the MyEclipse 7.0 release, we’ve made 3 updates to Pulse to correct connectivity in different environments. It is possible that due to network connectivity you were unable to get any of the updates, this is rectified by manually installing future releases of MyEclipse via our installers. Right now 7.1 is the next release planned for what looks like next-week and that would include the most up-to-date Pulse version for you with all the fixes.
That being said, there are absolutely still some network scenarios we need to iron out and for those scenarios we have always worked closely with each customer to troubleshoot their environments and see where we need to improve. I will follow up with you both individually to see if we can coordinate such a discussion and get your issues fixed for you ASAP.
MKG, I wanted to address some of your specific points above:You want me to pay for the possiblity of a local server installation through your corporate program? Only to achieve what was already possible with simply copying the installation? I am not willing to do this ending up with two licenses. Raise your price (be honest), gimme a MyEclipse edition with the possiblity of the local server installation contained in the license, please, then I will think about buying it and about sticking to MyEclipse.
Actually if you want to keep everything internal you can also setup a Shared Cache behind your proxy that everyone can use following these directions:
http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?t=769That should avoid the problem of having everyone on the team provision the same XXX MBs every time. Another option, if you don’t want to set up a shared cache and are more comfortable with the ‘zip approach’ you can have one user copy the Commons folder’s artifacts (artifacts.xml, plugins/ features/) over to the other installs again bypassing the need to have everyone download software.
For example, not all plugins I used up to now are available through pulse. Ok, I could use update sites, but then – why use pulse anyway?
The catalog in Pulse is only provided as a convenience. If the plugins you want to use are not available in the catalog, you can either add them (as you pointed out) by using an Update Site or downloading them locally and dropping them into the /dropins folder under your MyEclipse install (same as Eclipse 3.4).
The problem with the AnyEdit tools you had recently is another topic. Forcing me to use Pulse, waiting for some external developer to take actions because *Pulse* cannot handle the kind of update site the developer offers? You are really kidding, aren’t you? What is *your* service in this scenario? Write a mail to an external developer and wait?
Just to clarify, the update site was broken — this has nothing to do with Pulse not being able to “handle” a valid update site. Pulse is built on the P2 platform which the Eclipse update center is built on… Pulse is an addition of bug fixes and features on top of that platform. If that update site is broken and Pulse cannot provision it — nobody can. In that *particular* case, it absolutely was a feature of Pulse that we coordinate with the author to make sure the update site was fixed, but this is a side effect of them being in our catalog, not us playing “Update Site Police”. I’d also point out that we provide a huge amount of fail-over services that work transparently for you via Pulse when you try and provision software, so it’s even possible that update sites can be down completely, and Pulse can still provision the software while base Eclipse cannot. We pay for all this infrastructure and provide it for free transparently to all users.
Do you plan to embed any additional value into Pulse beyond this (except forcing my whole team to use profiles stored in the internet and download gigabytes and gigabytes 😉 ?
I hope the shared cache tip above helps alleviate this problem for your team.
And: Please take a look at your quality in MyEclipse. The 7.0 release seems to have severe problems. For example, when I double click a file in the project tree, it often happens, that the file doesn’t open. I have to single click, wait about a second until the focus changes and then double click to open the file. I have roundabout 15 open maven projects.
We take MyEclipse QA very seriously, and the slow-package-navigator change you are describing sounds like an issue we are triaging right now internally — we found that in some cases with an EAR file open, during navigation of the package explorer, HTTP requests are made to the web.xml 2.3 DTD or schema for some reason — does this sound like it might apply to you in your environment?
Ton HuismanMember@support-rkalla wrote:
Just to clarify, the update site was broken — this has nothing to do with Pulse not being able to “handle” a valid update site. Pulse is built on the P2 platform which the Eclipse update center is built on… Pulse is an addition of bug fixes and features ontop of that platform. If that update site is broken and Pulse cannot provision it — nobody can. In that *particular* case, it absolutely was a feature of Pulse that we coordinate with the author to make sure the update site was fixed, but this is a side effect of them being in our catalog, not us playing “Update Site Police”. …Well, when adding a new plugin to ME 7.0.1 it tried to (finally, I had seen those on the site for a week or so) get the updates from AnyEdit & EclipseSkins, but it failed during the download (also tried them separately), so I tried to install the AnyEdit plugin into a bare Eclipse 3.4.1 install, (on the same system I keep my MyEclipse install), and could install both just fine, even when the update or remove/restart/install from ME would not work. After I installed it in Eclipse 3.4.1, I went back to ME (7.0.1 that is), and retried the same plugins, expecting that the AnyEdit & co updatesite had been down for some reason. they still wouldn’t install… A few days later, all was well when the updatesite was obviously fixed, as you said, but it makes me wonder why ME could not install the plugin, and Eclipse just did fine 😕
Matthias TamsMemberDear MyEclipse Team,
I really appreciate your quick response and explanations, please let me quote some items:
Actually if you want to keep everything internal you can also setup a Shared Cache behind your proxy that everyone can use following these directions
Ok, I will try this possibility, thank you for the hint. But what about sharing of profiles this way? Could you please reconsider to offer a combined license of profile sharing, caches and cache administration tools with the MyEclipse license off-the-shelf? It is by far easier for me and my department to buy something this way. I can’t argue a license puzzle, nobody will get the point.
We take MyEclipse QA very seriously, …
I didn’t want to question this, sorry.
…and the slow-package-navigator change you are describing sounds like an issue we are triaging right now internally — we found that in some cases with an EAR file open, during navigation of the package explorer, HTTP requests are made to the web.xml 2.3 DTD or schema for some reason — does this sound like it might apply to you in your environment?
This really could be the problem, because one of the maven projects is an EAR project. Does eclipse or MyEclipse have a possibility for offering a local cache for DTD/Schema (e.g. as Netbeans does)?
Best regards.
Matthias Tams
I have the same problems with file opening by double clicking. But this is not the only affected action. Edting is very slow, opening, selecting files etc – MyEclipse is nearly impossible to use in the current version.
Updating myEclipse doesn’t work at all. Wether this is a pulse issue or not is nothing I want to explore – the quality of the current MyEclipse is the lowest since years.
regards Jürgen
CasadosRalphLMemberI must agree with the complaints listed above, I have tried to use the upgrade from 6.5 to 7.0.1 M and on 3 machines totally corrupted the installs. I had to completely remove and install the software and re add all my plugins for my developers. Also no fault of your we implemented a iron port proxy and now even with manually entering in the firewall and port info none of my myeclpse installs will download on the 10 machines I have and it corrupted 2 more of the installs can’t figure out why. So again having to reinstall the software again. Very frustrating issues not to mention the memory usage of the latest build wow.
Riyad KallaMemberMatthias,
Ok, I will try this possibility, thank you for the hint. But what about sharing of profiles this way? Could you please reconsider to offer a combined license of profile sharing, caches and cache administration tools with the MyEclipse license off-the-shelf? It is by far easier for me and my department to buy something this way. I can’t argue a license puzzle, nobody will get the point.
Excellent question — this is the whole point of the Pulse Private Label product. If you purchase a Private Label setup from us, you guys manage your own catalogs, your own profiles, own access control groups, privs, mirrors and resolution control. So what you are looking for is actually a Private Label install with the questions you had above.
This really could be the problem, because one of the maven projects is an EAR project. Does eclipse or MyEclipse have a possibility for offering a local cache for DTD/Schema (e.g. as Netbeans does)?
Absolutely, it’s actually been in MyEclipse for a while (Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > Files & Editors > XML > XML Catalog — the problem is that it wasn’t honoring this. We actually got this fixed for 7.1 so you shouldn’t see this problem anymore.
Riyad KallaMemberCasadosRalphL,
I must agree with the complaints listed above, I have tried to use the upgrade from 6.5 to 7.0.1 M and on 3 machines totally corrupted the installs.
Oh, don’t do that. There is no upgrade path from MyEclipse 6.5 (based on Eclipse 3.3) and MyEclipse 7.0 (based on Eclipse 3.4) — the only way you could have done that upgrade (because we block it in the automated tools) is to unzip Eclipse and MyEclipse ontop of your existing installs, so yes, that would definitely corrupt your install.
Sorry about that, there is never a direct upgrade path between Eclipse major releases (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, etc.) it always requires a clean reinstall.
Also no fault of your we implemented a iron port proxy and now even with manually entering in the firewall and port info none of my myeclpse installs will download on the 10 machines I have and it corrupted 2 more of the installs can’t figure out why. So again having to reinstall the software again. Very frustrating issues not to mention the memory usage of the latest build wow.
Hmmmm… could you try this FAQ entry (https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshoot-myeclipse-is-having-network-connection-issues/) it might help us track down where the communication failure is and either rules you need to add to your firewall or something we can tweak on our end.