
Sharing project with GIT tutorial

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  • #547814 Reply

    Chris Hannemann

    Is there a tutorial for using GIT in myeclipse. It has been a long time since I added a project to git. I have a remote repository on a shared drive. I have a dozen projects up there but I cannot remember the steps to get a new project set up locally and remotely.


    #547815 Reply

    Mark Kajdos

    I recently moved from SVN to GIT and the process was (relatively) simple.

    There are many GIT tutorials and after setting the GIT file (init command) and using the Git Bash (I prefer git ui) you can add pull the data from remote.

    The MyEclipse “Teams” selection supports a “share” where you can select GIT. Since you already established .git by the “init” command, MyEclipse finds the .git, and you just accept the selection.

    If the remote projects are MyEclipse projects (with .metadata etc.) you should be ready. If not, you need to establish a project structure and then pull data into it.

    I hope this helps.

    #547833 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Thanks, Mark, for the quick response.

    Chris – it wasn’t clear on what you meant by “remote repository on a shared drive” – is this a Git repository? If yes, you would need to configure the repository in the Git Repositories view and then further sharing options should become available.

    Git in MyEclipse is the same as Git in vanilla Eclipse, so https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide is a great doc to refer to.

    I could help further, but would need to understand exactly what you are trying to do first.

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