
showing DB2 schema error

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  • #247268 Reply


    I am able to open up a connection to my DB2 database and successfully run queries. However, I am not able to view any of the schemas. When Iright click a profile and edit it, then click the “next” button I select “display the selected schemas” and click the “add” button, I get an message that a connection must be opened. Clicking ok, seems to try the connection (even tho it is already established) but then I get the error message :

    “unable to retrieve database metadata:
    DB2 SQL error SQLCode -1109, SQLSTATE: , SQLERRMC:

    I am using the com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver and have both the db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar in the path.

    I could not find this particular SQLCode in the DB2 documentation, so I would really appreciate if anyone knows why I can’t see the schema for this.

    #247282 Reply

    Haris Peco

    sonoerin ,

    Check your url specification, specially database name – I suppose that you haven’t database or perimission


    #247284 Reply


    Here are the parameters I have:

    Profile Name: TestDB
    Driver: IBM DB2 App Driver
    URL: jdbc:db2://
    Username: user
    Password: password

    As I mentioned, I can open a connection and use the SQL Editor to execute sql on this database, so surely I am connected to it?

    #247285 Reply

    Haris Peco


    I suppose that you haven’t some permission – try with another username/password or make new database


    what is your db2 vesrion and OS.db2jcc_license_cu.jar is for Linux and windows, you have to add other licence jar for some OSes

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