Quiz Example Project
This article describes how to create a simple multi-screen quiz project that the user sends the results to a predefined email address. You must be using MobiOne 2.3 (milestone-2 or greater version). Let’s get started.
Here is the flow of the 3 screen UI
Video overview of project
See attachment allpages-50.png
Page1 and Page2 are simple questions that the user answers by selecting a radio button for his choice. This screen shows how I configured page1. I configured the radio button properties. Use the Group property to associate the radio buttons for a common selection. See attachment page-config.png
On page-3, I configure the screen as a Form with Email action (see Form and Form Action Type properties) and use a TextArea widget to collect a textual description of each answer from the previous 2 pages. I added button with an OnClick “Submit Form” action attached to it. Lastly I had to write a little bit of javascript to collect the answers from pages 1 & 2 and display them on page 3 just before it is shown. This javascript was added to the special file <project>_custom.js which was generated by MobiOne when it generated the project code.
See attachment code.png
Project src code: See attachment survey.zip
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