
Some items in the package explorer are being displayed incorrectly

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  • #559281 Reply



    Several items in my package explorer have a white background and a black name instead of the other way around as seen in the attached picture. This happens with my installation of Eclipse Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2), Build-ID 20171218-0600 on Windows 10 (Version 1709, Build 16299.125). I sadly have no way of reproducing this issue, it was there from the beginning for me and it seems to be aribtrary which items are being displayed incorrectly as you can see by the screenshot. There are some packages being displayed normally while some are not. Same for individual projects.

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    #559289 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @bl4ckscor3, Thanks for reaching out. A plugin might be forcing those colors in. Is it possible that you have a third party plugin installed that might be dealing with package explorer colors?

    Aaron Lara

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    #559297 Reply


    Hey, sorry, I forgot to mention that in my original post. No, I don’t have any plugins installed that could affect the colors.

    #559365 Reply


    I found the cause of this problem. EGit was the culprit. I noticed that the wrongly displayed items in the package explorer were exactly those items that have been changed locally but not on the origin.
    So I guess in the end it was a plugin that messes with the colors in the package explorer, I just didn’t know I had it installed.

    #559396 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @bl4ckscor3 Thanks for the extra details! So it might be that Egit is hardcoding its colors. The good news is that we can still fix it if we manage to replicate the issue (and with some inspection in Egit code). Can you provide as much details as you can on how to replicate?

    – Version of Egit installed
    – Kind of changes (only local changes?)
    – Kind of projects and files affected.

    Aaron Lara

    #559400 Reply


    Since Egit did not show up in the Installed tab of the Eclipse Marketplace I manually removed the files shown in the attachement. However, I installed the latest version of Egit from the marketplace (4.10.0) again and the issue is also present in that version. The projects are all Maven projects and the files affected all have local changes in the git repository.

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    #559429 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Could you check in the “Colors and Fonts” Preferences page the values you have for Git colors? (see attached Screenshot). Is it possible that at some point you manually configured these colors before installing DevStyle? (we wouldn’t override your preferences).

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    #559433 Reply


    This is how mine looks, however, I do not remember changing those. Perhaps it’s because I had an older version installed previously?

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by bl4ckscor3.
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    #559440 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Good, then you can just configure colors as you need (and I bet it will just work). It’s still possible another plugin changed the preferences at some point. If you switch to a new workspace the issue persist?

    #559514 Reply


    Yup, the issue persists across all different workspaces. Thanks for your help!

    #559517 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    So I think a plugin might be overriding the color. If you can provide a list of installed plugins it might be easier for us to replicate and investigate the real culprit.

    Another thought is that oomph might be doing that override, to test this (and if you don’t care about oomph) you can:
    1. Shut down eclipse.
    2. Remove all oomph directories under your <home>/.eclipse/
    3. Start eclipse in a new workspace.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Aaron Lara.
    #559521 Reply


    I’m actually not sure if this is the correct place to list the installed plugins, but the attached images show everything in Help > About > Installation Details > Installed Software. Please let me know if that’s not what you’re looking for.

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    #559523 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Yes, that helps. Thanks! We will keep investigaing.

    #559528 Reply


    About removing oomph: I created a new workspace (without removing the folders), added an existing project by copying it over from another workspace and importing it into the workspace, and the items in the package explorer were displayed incorrectly.
    I then closed eclipse, deleted that workspace, and removed the oomph folders as requested, created another, new workspace, copying the same existing project over and importing it. This time, without any incorrect colors. So removing oomph did help with a new workspace.

    #559529 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Cool! Then it looks like we have found the Culprit. Oomph stored those preferences and it has been overriding them in all your workspaces. So if you want to get back to use your old workspace you just have to configure the preference yourself or select “Force Colors” in the DevStyle > Color Themes page and then Apply. Oomph should stop bothering at this point.

    Let me know any concern.

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