
Some "how to" Questions regarding myEclipseDeploye

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  • #215489 Reply


    How do you achieve the following using myEclipse Deployment utility ?

    1) how do you include the “welcome files” (it allows us to specify a list of files
    that the Web Container will use for appending to a request for a URL(called a valid partial request) that is not mapped to a Web Component ?
    how do you set the component alias for the web components deployed using myEclipse on
    Sun Application server 8.0 ?

    3) how to set the INitialization parameters that you can normally set using
    the deploytool of J2EE applicationServer suite , using the Init.paramaters tab in the
    Web component inspector ?


    #215504 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Robin I have asked another support person to look at this as my experience with Sun app server is very limited.

    #215515 Reply


    You have to server specification (web.xml description)
    You can only editing web.xml iwith ME


    #215534 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    1) Welcome files are set by modifying the appropriate section of your web.xml deployment descriptor
    2) I’m not sure of precisely what you’re referring to here. Do you mean the context root name of the applications? If so, you can set that through the project’s Properties tab under MyEclipse-Web.
    3) You can set initialization parameters for any web components by modifying the web.xml deployment descriptor. Although I’ve never used Sun’s deploy tool, from the description it sounds like a convenience for modifying the descriptor directly.

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