
Some UML Glitches…

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  • #232644 Reply


    Firstly: hats off! This is a GREAT addition.

    1) Several objects that had been deleted from my diagram made their way into the autogenerated code anyhow.

    2) The code style preferences that I have set for Eclipse in general aren’t maintained anywhere in the UML module.

    3) Why does the usual anti-aliased look of Eclipse and MyEclipse not work in the UML module?

    Again: hats off!

    #232645 Reply


    and also:

    4) My current .umr file is called UMLTest.umr. I have a file showing up in the Package Explorer called UMLTest.umr~ that I cannot delete: I’m told that it’s “out of sync with the File System.” Huh?

    #232777 Reply


    My current .umr file is called UMLTest.umr. I have a file showing up in the Package Explorer called UMLTest.umr~ that I cannot delete: I’m told that it’s “out of sync with the File System.” Huh?

    This is a remnant file that existed before the undo support was added for the M2 release. Its use will be discontinued in M3. To remove the file you need to refresh it 1st then delete it.
    1) right-click on ~ file and select “refresh” from context-menu
    2) delete file

    #232779 Reply


    Thanks – that did it.

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