
Source code about Matisse generator .form

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  • #287059 Reply



    I have created a GUI with Matisse. Then, I get two files. The .form file, with all information about the graphics component as labels, checkbox, layouts… and the .java file with buttons events code, and my own code.

    I need the java code about the GUI, only in a single file .java. I should go with this .java file to a computer without any java ide, only with the jvm. If I made any change, I would go to the cource class with a text editor an make the change “by hand”, and compile in command line.

    Is there any way to get this unique .java file instead the two files (.form and .java)?

    Thanks a lot!


    #287081 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Im sorry that not possible. You would require both the files.

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