OS: WindowsXP
ME: build 2005-0627-4.0-Milestone-2
I recently upgraded to 4M2. I created a new Web project and then imported my files from previous version of ME. I use log4j and it correctly outputs my debugging messages to the console.
This is my pattern line in jog4j.properties:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.conversionPattern =%d{DATE} %5p (%F:%M:%L) – %m%n
And here’s an example of the output:
21 Jul 2005 10:34:52,046 ERROR (UserLoginServlet.java:doPost:94) – [UserLoginServlet.dopost()] Unable to look up database
The problem is when I click on the File:Method:Line link from the console output. I get a “Source not found” error.
Did I import the project incorrectly? What’s the right way to import projects?