- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 10 months ago by
I am using Myeclipse 7.0
Build Id;7.0-20081201.I created a simple java application project called page50. This is not a web application.
I created a java class file called test1.java. I right click on it and choose menu “Debug As” and choose “Debug Configurations.” In the “Main” tab, I make sure the Project:Page50
Main class:test1. I toggle a breakpoint in the java class file.I checked the following checkbox:
Include system libraries when searching for a main class
Include inherited mains when searching for a main class
Stop in main.When I right click on “Debug as” and choose “Java Application” I get the following error:
Source not found.
Edit Source Lookup Path..I click on the button “Edit Source Lookup Path..”
In the Source Lookup Path I see the following:
DefaultI see my project “Page50” in the Source Lookup Path. What am I doing wrong.
rmcvayMemberDo you have a main() in your class? Why are you searching system and inherited mains?
jadeite1000Member@rmcvay wrote:
Do you have a main() in your class? Why are you searching system and inherited mains?
I have a main in my class file.
In myEclipse 7, I unchecked the following checkbox:
Include system libraries when searching for a main class
Include inherited mains when searching for a main class
Stop in main.I still get the error “Source not found.”
I download the latest version of eclipse and I import from the same jar and java files from the project I created in MyEclipse 7.0 I donot have this problem when debuggin the java file that the “Source not found.” Is there something I set in MyEclipse’s project that cause this problem.
rmcvayMemberI import from the same jar and java files from the project
You have a supporting jar? I did a little one class java project and it debugged fine but maybe your project is a little more complex than that.
jadeite1000Member@rmcvay wrote:
I import from the same jar and java files from the project
You have a supporting jar? I did a little one class java project and it debugged fine but maybe your project is a little more complex than that.
Hi All:
I tried another way. I
I created a project in eclipse and was able to debug the java code.
I copy the project to another workspace and import into MyEclipse 7.
When I tried to debug the code I get “Source not found”. I believe this prove that there is some settings in MyEclipse that allows my MyEclipse to see the source code when debugging. It have no problem in Eclipse.Yours,
rmcvayMemberThat’s probably true.
jadeite1000Member@rmcvay wrote:
That’s probably true.
Hi All:
I right click on the java class file called MainTest AND CHOOSE “Debug Configurations..” Under the “classpath” tab I clicked on “Add Projects” and choose “page50” as the project and now when I debug the java code I can see it. When I removed the java project “page50” I can also see the java code. But either way, when I called a java class from a jar file it gives me the following error:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibatis/common/resources/Resources at MainTest.main(MainTest.java:12).
The strange thing is that the “page50” project under “Java Build Path” in the “Libraries” tab, I can see the java jar file ibatis-common-2.jar and ibatis-dao-2.jar files. Also, I can compile my MainTest.java file. But for some reason, when I runned it complain it cannot find it “NoClassDefFoundError”. Is there something I can do in MyEclipse so when I debug the MainTest.java code and when it runs over a ibatis code it can at least not give me the above error.
I tried the same project in Eclipse and have no problems whatsever and able to debug the MainTest.java code completely.
I am not able to reproduce this at my end. Can you send your java code and screen shots of debug configuratins page at run>debug configurations showing the main and class path tabs.
I will also need your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Detail
Also MyEclipse does not support direct exporting. you should copy the relavent code from eclipse project and past it to the myEclipse project. -