
SplashScreen timeout

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  • #350393 Reply

    Nie Que

    im making a spashscreen and i use this code fuction for the time out.

    phoneui.documentReadyHandler = function() {
    //timer for splash screen

    setTimeout(function Time() {
    phoneui.gotoScreen(‘m1-sample’, ‘FADE’); //sample is the file name of the page that I want to redirect after the splash screen.
    }, 5000 );


    my question is how will i use the to execute??

    im using mobione

    #350414 Reply

    Unknown Author

    Hey look, your _custom.js file has a

    phoneui.documentReadyHandler = function() {

    Put your code in there!

    #350463 Reply

    Nie Que

    I already done that see my code posted above…

    Still didn’t work.

    #353125 Reply



    I am going through the same problem
    this code is only working when i have a new .mobi not linked to any other .mobi in the same project.

    in my project, i have multiple .mobi linked to the .mobi that is called by the splashscreen timeout.
    I have done troubleshooting and the problem is from those attached .mobi because if i replace them with a blank new .mobi it will work.

    could you know what is causing the problem of the timeout not to work in my project after this notice i explained ?


    #353131 Reply


    It sounds like you could have an error in the Javascript code somewhere. The best advice I can give is to open it in the web simulator, right click on it and select inspect element to open the debugger and check the console for any errors the code.


    #353135 Reply


    Hi Brandon

    please see attached the console log, with error message.
    Could you please check and help resolve this and detail me what should i do ?


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    #353137 Reply


    From my side I had this kind of error message when I used a wrong Platform: Apache Cordova version in the simulator… (3.1.0 instead of 2.2.0)
    I also had it, when I tried to migrate by myself from mobione app to myeclipse. But disapeared when I used the migration script…

    Hope this may help you..

    #353143 Reply

    @ merhebm

    You mentioned that it works fine when you do not have another mobi page linked, my guess is that one of the linked pages is causing the issue. I would first see if you can replicate the problem using a new mobione project with blank screens. If you can you can send us that sample project to look at. If not, that means there is an coding problem somewhere in your app.

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