
Split layout weighting not honored except visible tab pane

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  • #280827 Reply

    Tom Yamada

    I am designing a form using the default free design layout and having a tabbed pane containing three tabs/panels. Two of these panels contain split panes, one vertical and the other horizontal, and each of which have resize weight set to 0.0 so the bottom/right pane respectively should not grow when the window is resized.

    For the most part the layout behaves normally. However I have noticed that if I expand my application window without having visited one of the split-pane tabs it’s weighting has not been honored when I select the tab afterwards. In fact, the bottom/right “fixed-size” pane seems to get all of the additional size. Once I have visited the panel the weighting begins to be honored, albeit using the new resized dimensions for the fixed-size pane.

    This does not occur if I have visited the panel containing the split pane before resizing the window, even if I am not on that panel anymore. Apparently visiting the panel initializes the size of the fixed pane or causes the weighting to kick in.

    Has anyone seen this behavior before? If so, I would appreciate a workaround that won’t conflict with the Matisse form editor. I don’t know if there’s a place that I can do a pack() that will affect the panels, or if I might have to add code to programmatically flip through the panes on startup. Thanks for any thoughts on this matter. :Tom

    #280864 Reply

    Loyal Water

    What version of MyEclipse are you facing this issue with ? Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    #280927 Reply

    Tom Yamada

    Here is the information you requested. The application is running with 1.4.2_13 JRE:

    *** Date:
    Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:27:14 AM PST

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.5.0_10

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 6.0.1 GA
    Build id: 6.0.1-GA-200710

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 6.0.1 GA
    Build id: 6.0.1-GA-200710

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.3.0.v20070612-_19UEkLEzwsdF9jSqQ-G
    Build id: I20070621-1340

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.3.0.v20070606-0010-7o7jCHEFpPoqQYvnXqejeR
    Build id: I20070621-1340

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.3.0.v20070620
    Build id: 20070814-1555

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.3.0.v20070607-8y8eE8NEbsN3X_fjWS8HPNG
    Build id: I20070621-1340

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.3.1.v20070814
    Build id: 20070814-1555

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_10\bin\javaw.exe

    #281143 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Tom, sounds like a Swing/Layout issue and I think you are thinking down the right path with the preemptive pack() or validate() calls after the UI is visible for the first time. You *might* try sticking a pack() call on each panel that is contained in the tabbed panel in the appropriate constructor, if that doesn’t work, try and move those pack calls into an event handler that responds when the window becomes visible for the first time (then runs through real quick and packs the panels).

    #281164 Reply

    I upgraded to 6.0.1 hoping it would improve stability of Matisse Form editor for Swing UI development. Sadly, it has not.

    I’ve experienced each of these problems multiple times today:

    1) MyEclipseIde 6.0.1 hangs all of the eclipse UI. It appears to happen most frequently when I click quickly on a component in the designer, then on a property in the properties editor. This is a common situation: adjusting all of the elements in a column of a GridBagLayout for example.

    To correct this, I have to kill eclipse from the windows task manager and restart eclipse. It is a large project (6000+ files) so restart takes quite a while.

    2) Source code not updated to reflect changes to the design view. There appear to be two distinct cases:

    A) Debugging will often open a second copy of the .java file. With two copies open the form editor gets confused and simply does not update the java code at all. This confusion happens every time I have a breakpoint set in a method.

    B) Editing user code in the properties editor does not propagate change to the source code when pressing ‘save file’. The workaround is to manually switch to the source view (forcing source formatting) before saving the file. I’m saving the file to get “hot swap” in the running process, so each change bumps into this problem.

    I am running on Windows laptop with Intel Core Duo processor.

    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 6.0.1 GA
    Build id: 6.0.1-GA-200710
    eclipse.vm=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin\client\jvm.dll

    I started with the eclipse-europa-rcp download since I have two projects, one using swing, one with RCP.

    – Stanley Knutson

    #281200 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Would you be willing to try a separate test install of MyEclipse (using Pulse) to see if the instability continues? If so, let me know, and I’ll walk you through the quick steps getting that setup.

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