
Spring DAO/DTO generation hangs again and again

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  • #318297 Reply


    I purchased My Eclipse 9.0 for Spring on 10th June 2011. Since the beginning, the Spring DAO generation process is slow or completely hangs. Even if I cancel the process, I have to wait a long time approx 5 to 10 minutes, then eclipse responses back and then generation is done normally. I have to do this many times and then the generation process works normally. At timesI have to kill the myeclipse from windows task manager and restart again.

    Your support is appreciated in this regard.

    #318301 Reply



    I am really sorry to hear that you are experiencing performance problems.

    Can you tell me the steps that you are taking to generate the dao? If you are generating from a database that is. What database are you using and how many tables are you scaffolding? Have you tried a simple test against the derby database, say with a single table?



    #318312 Reply


    I am using Oracle 11g and we have a schema having more than a thousand tables. But the issue is the same even if I generate single table. When it comes to working fine, which is normally after 2 or 3 tries, it generates many tables with no delay. The generation process hangs with popup display “Generating Artifacts”.

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