
Spring, GWT, and REST Tutorial?

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  • #313840 Reply


    Do you have a tutorial on building an app where the request/query to a database goes through RESTful interface, and the resultset’s data is displayed with GWT widgets and graphical elements?

    Any help appreciated!

    If not, do I:
    1. first create a RESTful project in myeclipseforspring
    2. add spring through myeclipse/add spring CRUD…
    3. add GWT

    Or… some other order, or can this be done in myeclipseforspring? I have searched all over the net and see it is a very hot topic. Maybe I should wait for version 9.0?
    Please help! Thanks.

    #314103 Reply


    We do not have a GWT to REST example, but in 9.0 we are adding support for generating the REST services during scaffolding. On the GWT side we are adding support for GWT 2.1.1 and taking advantage of the GWT RequestFactory approach which is designed to be an optimized server communication layer for CRUD based applications. Take a look here and let us know what you think. http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideRequestFactory.html


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