
Spring Security scaffolding – locked into login

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  • #317284 Reply


    Here is the description of the behavior i encountered. Having successfully scaffold an MVC application from a MySql schema, i scaffold security with users, authorities, user_authorities tables (with default scaffolding options) and initialized them with some example data. (No errors appeared in the Project Explorer. The tables were successfully created during the first deployment.) After pressing one of the tabs on the dashboard, a logging dialog appeared. After entering credentials the message ‘Welcome admin!’ appeared. I assumed that from this point the dashboard’s tabs access restriction has been lifted. (I tried this this also with ‘Remember me on this’ box checked.) However any attempt ended up in displaying the same logging screen. What am doing wrong? How should i track the origin of such behavior? Any advise in a timely manner would be greatly appreciated.

    #317374 Reply


    You can turn on spring logging to see if that provides any insight.

    Go to the logging.properties file in your resources folder and change this line:
    log4j.category.org.springframework=ERROR, STDOUT

    To this:
    log4j.category.org.springframework=DEBUG, STDOUT

    This will produce quite a bit of logging, so you may want to clear your console output after the app starts up. Take a look at the log messages during login and again when you try to access one of the pages.

    If nothing jumps out at you, send me the log and I will take a look. Or if you would rather and are able, export your project and send it to me and I will try to reproduce the problem.


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