
Spring Support

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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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  • #245410 Reply

    Jeff Brown

    Can someone please clarify the relationship between MyEclipse Spring support and the Spring IDE (http://springide.org/project)? I have seen some things that suggest that the Spring support in MyEclipse is borrowed directly from the Spring IDE project and that MyEclipse may even be contributing fixes/enhancements back to the Spring IDE project. Is this the case? If so, what version of Spring IDE is the MyEclipse 4.1 Spring support most like? Any clarification would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your time.


    #245440 Reply


    Yes, there is a close relationship between the ME 4.1 Spring features and Spring IDE in that we use a blended development strategy and include additional MyEclipse integration customization and features. The integrated version of Spring IDE in MyEclipse 4.1 is 1.2.4 + 1.2.5 code assist. I hope this helps. We track Spring IDE advances very closely and provide the latest updates that fit into the MyEclipse development model (which is just about everything).

    #245448 Reply

    Jeff Brown

    Can you comment on the status of WebFlow support in ME?

    #245454 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If the demand for WebFlow picks up we will certainly look into supporting it, but as it stands now most folks are just getting their minds wrapped around Spring MVC + Persistence technology.

    #249019 Reply


    I would need webflow support. Development around webflow is quite slow (in fact it seems it stopped) until webflow is released.

    Would be great to have out of the box.

    #250699 Reply

    @papick.taboada wrote:

    I would need webflow support. Development around webflow is quite slow (in fact it seems it stopped) until webflow is released.

    Just to let you know, with the release of Spring Web Flow RC1 there will be a compatible version of Spring IDE’s Web Flow Editor. The development has been started as the Web Flow API can be considered stable now.


    #250714 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for the update, I know a handful of our users were asking for Spring WebFlow support as they are looking forward to that technology.

    #255709 Reply

    I wouldn’t mind WebFlow support also, we just started to use it at our side.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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