
Spring with DSL on top of existing Spring project

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  • #313389 Reply

    Girish Pandit


    I am not sure if this has anything to do with trial version but I created a spring project, hooked up with database and added Spring security. Deployed on Tomcat and worked as expected.

    After that I right click on project and enabled Spring DSL. I disabled all of my previous spring configuration and nothing worked after the deployed on Tomcat.

    Did I miss something? or it should have been disabled saying “Spring DSL cannot be added on top of existing Spring Configuration or something like that.

    #313670 Reply


    Can you send an error message or any details regarding this issue?
    You can enable the Spring DSL on a Spring project but you may need to adjust the location of the generated context files etc in order to match the approach that you used in your original Spring Project.

    We have also added Spring code assistants which provide many of the benefits of the DSL editors but which operate on the code directly.


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