
SpringDSL creates security DAO tables in public schema

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  • #320711 Reply

    Peter Neil


    I have a ME4S Spring DSL enabled Project and using a PostgreSQL 9.1 database with 9.1 JDBC 4 drivers; I get this issue with an 8.3, 8.4 and 9.1 database and an 8.3, 8.4 or 9.1 JDBC 3 and 4 drivers.

    The security DAO tables are generated in to the public schema rather than the product schema configured in my Connection URL.

    When I scaffold Security using a Spring DSL JPA Connection and a PostgreSQL connection using a URL that includes ?schema=product

    MyEclipse Database Explorer Connection Information
    connection url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/p8productmanager?schema=product
    driver class name: org.postgresql.Driver

    The Spring DSL JPA configuration is set up to use an XA datasource and there is no setting for Schema in the XA Datasource.

    #320712 Reply

    Peter Neil

    Posting this to the forum made me realise one more search that I hadn’t done on google; setting a user’s default schema

    Within the context of the database you want to set the user’s search_path put the schema you want to be the “default” and then all CREATE and DDL will be executed in this schema if or when it exists.

    ALTER USER [loginrole] SET search_path TO product,”$user”,public

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