
Status of a few JSF-related features

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  • #252241 Reply


    First of all, great job on the 5M1 release. I’ve been playing around with it for a few hours and it is working great so far 🙂

    Unfortunately, support for a few key JSF features in MyEclipse still lags behind some other IDEs, and JSF support is very important to us. We are evaluating some other IDEs at this point, and trying to decide what to do license-wise, so I’d appreciate some info on a few key features we are looking at:

    1) Facelets Support

    2) Code assist in JSF files

    Do you guys have any idea on whether or not either of these will make it into MyEclipse 5?

    #252272 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First of all, great job on the 5M1 release. I’ve been playing around with it for a few hours and it is working great so far 🙂

    Thank you for the feedback, our developers are waiting with baited breath.

    1) Facelets Support

    2) Code assist in JSF files

    5.0 was a big porting work with a handful of new functionality but we need to focus on features after 5.0 GA. I am going to push JSF very hard after JavaONE this year seeing the penetration it now has and the new 1.2 spec that is comming out with some nice additions that should have been there in the first place. I will get some clarification for you on these issues.

    #252279 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ok so I just spoke with our product manager and the gist is that 5.0 was a lot of much needed platform cleanup plus a good amount of new features (for example, a new visual designer). Once 5.0 is stabalized we are going to commit to new functionalities in a lot of long-postponed areas like Struts and JSF. For JSF we are looking into autocomplete support for both EL statements and other areas that make sense moving forward. Nothing set in stone but we “know it needs to be there”.

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