
Struts 1.2 DynaValidatorForm validators and arrays…

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  • #267193 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Does the Struts DynaValidatorForm work with Arrays of objects? Here’s what I have…

    In my <form-bean> I have as follows:

      <form-beans >
        <form-bean name="userPromptForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
          <form-property name="phone" type="java.lang.String[]" />

    I have the validator defined:

            <form name="userPromptForm">
                <field property="phone" depends="required">
                    <arg0 key="prompt.phone"/>

    And my form is defined with all the appropriate goodies and a <logic:iterate> tag to display my array of “phone” fields… But the generated code doesn’t stop the fields being left blank.

        <html:form action="/done" method="post"  onsubmit="return validateUserPromptForm(this)">
            <table border=1 width=598 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>
                        <logic:iterate id="promptdata" name="prompts" scope="session">
                                       <bean:write name ="promptdata" property="name"  />
                                <td align="right" width="25%">
                                     <html:text name="promptdata" property="phone" />
            <!-- Begin Validator Javascript Function-->
            <html:javascript formName="userPromptForm" />
            <!-- End of Validator Javascript Function-->

    So is this just not possible in Struts 1.2? What about 1.3? Help…?

    #267196 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Don’t know off hand Dave, sorry.

    Anybody else?

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