I just started experimenting with MyEclipse so this may be a stupid question.
I’m using the lates release candidate of 2.7.
I got the impression from the release notes that this included some struts functionality for doing common struts things like creating Action classes and ActionForm’s. However I can’t seem to find anything like this.
I was able to create a web project and add struts capabilites to it via the context menu. I can create a jsp and reference struts taglibs which all seems to work great. But if i wanted to quicly create a new Action and coresponding form, do I have to do the usuall steps manually or is there some way to auto mate that.
If this functionality doesn’t exist then I’d like to recommend it. I don’t think it would take much, just some basic template classes. It would be especially nice if it also updated the struts-config.xml at the same time.
For an example of what I’m talking about take a look at the preview version of Oracle Jdeveloper 10g.
Roy Wells