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  • #197255 Reply

    Wayne Kidd

    The main reason that I take down the app server during development is to have the ActionServlet from struts reread struts-config.xml. Is there any way to use the MyEclipse facilities notice that this changes (it is on the classpath) and do a refresh of a servlet (the ActionServlet that is described in web.xml).


    #197262 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Probably the easiest way to crack that nut is with the redeployment options available in the server you’re using. For example, when using WebLogic, if you place a file called REDEPLOY in the WEB-INF directory, each time you touch it WebLogic will undeploy and redeploy your application. JBoss looks for you to touch application.xml and does the same thing. Each server is different, but most have the capability. A bit of research should tell you what it is for the one you’re using.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198210 Reply


    But I think it would be a good idea, if myeclipse would handle this itself by offering a redeploy button (see also feature requests simplify deployment, Run/Stop Servers needs history, and restart application server)

    #198213 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We’ll be adding a ‘Reload’ feature in an upcoming release that will use the server-specific mechanism for requesting that the application context be reloaded by the server.

    MyEclipse Support

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