
Struts-config Design View not saving the "connection&qu

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  • #227806 Reply


    I am new to ME.
    In Struts-config Design View, I draw connection points from a JSP page to multiple actions – 1 to many mapping. ( I do this to document the workflow.)
    Then, when the Struts-config.xml is reopened, the connections points disappear all but one.
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Thanks for your help.

    #227807 Reply


    I forgot:

    Eclipse: 3.1M4
    MyEclipse Version: 3.8.4
    Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4

    #227811 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Our Struts designer is a cross between a flow modeller and a Struts editor, so in that sense you cannot literally model the flow of your app and have it ‘translated’ into valid Struts code, you must model your app as you would a Struts app. Given that you cannot simply draw connections from JSP pages to multiple actions and have them converted into code for you, there is no way for MyEclipse to know what you mean by those links. Are they links? Are they form submissions? etc.

    #227815 Reply


    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Yes, they are linkss like blah.do. And, they are not input forms.
    Is it possible to show the connection from a JSP to an action?
    If not, can I still use the connection tool when the JSP is not the input form?

    #227819 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Actually, we do allow you to create such connections. We don’t generate any code off them as Riyad mentioned above – but they are saved.
    Basically, if you can create them – you can save them (and they should appear on reload)

    I just checked and something seems awry with these connections in 3.8.4, we’ll fix it in the upcoming release – thanks for pointing it out.

    #228035 Reply



    Thanks for your receptive ears.
    I tried the same in M6 beta, and it is still not resoved.
    It would be nice if ME4.0 addresses this.

    A new feature request — This may have been suggested by others, but it would be also nice
    if we can double-click on JSP or Action node in the Outline View of the struts-config, and it opens the
    source code in the editor.


    #228044 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear enough.

    By next release, I meant 4.0 :). The M6 beta is exactly 3.8.4 only with changes required to get it going in Eclipse 3.1M6.

    The bug was actually fixed just an hour after you reported it. It was a good one.

    The JSP feature has been requested before, we’ll see if we can get it into 4.0, but I’m not promising anything.

    Thank you for your support,

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