
struts html palette

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  • #224167 Reply


    Hi, Have you considered the adition of a html components palette to MyEclipse, if so, in which version would it be included?.
    I’m thinking the kind of palettes like those that come with WebSphere or Sun Java Studio.


    #224191 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do you not like the current toolbar approach with the HTML editor? Or you want drag-and-drop palette items?

    #224208 Reply


    I was thinking in a toolbar for struts and javaserver faces html components. The drag and drop feature would be very nice.
    The goal is to have a WYSIWYG approach for creating user interfaces.
    Just to make MyEclipse a much complete product.

    #224211 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Oh yes the visual JSP design is comming in 3.9, and then I believe the JSF designer will follow hot on it’s heals likely in 4.0.

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