
Struts Logic Tag

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  • #228697 Reply

    Hi folks,

    I’m stumped trying to figure out how to compare a value to a bean.

    <logic:notEqual name=”element” property=”lvl” value=”<bean:write

    I’m in a logic:iteration loop. Element is the bean that holds
    property “lvl” which I want to compare to the bean “currentLevel”.

    It’s a tree, and I need to know when the tree branches.



    #228715 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What is happening now? What is the result of the following 2 lines if added directly above this line:
    <bean:write name=”element” property=”lvl” />
    <bean:write name=”currentLevel” />

    What is the type of the lvl property? What is the type of “currentLevel”? I wonder if they are getting converted to Strings and being compared…

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