
Struts Problem (1.1)

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #224889 Reply


    I have a struts project that I am having difficulties compiling under MyEclipseIDE 3.8.4 (Eclipse v. 3.1M4). My Struts project is based on version 1.1 of the struts library.

    I created a web project and imported the source code from our cvs installation. I am not using the MyEclipseIDE options to include struts capabilities into the web project because our cvs code base already bundles all the jars and tag libraries(good or bad).

    There are a few issues I encountered that weren’t clear as to why they were problems within MyEclipseIDE.

    It seems that when we sync up and pull in the commons-xxxx libraries into the web project from cvs, it changes the location where it puts the files. In CVS we put them in /WEB-INF/lib and after the sync to cvs, they show up at the WebRoot level. Not sure why MyEclipseIDE does this…or even if it is really a problem.

    I am also getting errors in my jsps because it cannot find the location of the tag library. Our JSPs define the location as /WEB-INF/xxxx.tld. MyEclipseIDE cannot resolve that location so it errors in the jsp in the tag library.

    For example,
    <%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/xxxx.tld” prefix=”thePrefix”%>

    In the above abbreviated example, it errors cause it cannot resolve the /WEB-INF/xxx.tld location.

    Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


    #224890 Reply


    I found some information in another topic that explains the URI in more detail. I was confused about its purpose like it seems many others have been as well. I do still have one outstanding question from my previous post and that is why when I sync up files that are stored at the location /WEB-INF/lib they appear to be moved to the WebRoot level.

    #224903 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    MyEclipseIDE 3.8.4 (Eclipse v. 3.1M4)

    Real quick, make sure you are using MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA (for 3.1M4), if you aren’t, MyEclipse will be really flaky and crap out on you (if you are using the 3.0-compat version of it).

    I am not using the MyEclipseIDE options to include struts capabilities into the web project because our cvs code base already bundles all the jars and tag libraries(good or bad).

    Ok this is the first problem, if you want to do Struts stuff, you need to add Struts capabilities. BUT, just uncheck the two checkboxes at the bottom of the wizard and then MYEclipse won’t add anything to your project. You just need to tell it where certain files are then you are all set (that is what I do as well because I like to keep the JAR files in CVS so anyone can checkout/run my project without an IDE).

    In CVS we put them in /WEB-INF/lib and after the sync to cvs, they show up at the WebRoot level

    I guess you must be new to Eclipse, they aren’t actually in the root of your project, they are just ‘mounted’, meaning they are in your Build Path… this is how Eclipse’s Package view shows them. If you want to see what is actually in your project (file wise) switch to the navigator view.

    <%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/xxxx.tld” prefix=”thePrefix”%>

    I am betting you don’t have your taglibs setup correctly, please read this entry: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-31.html#251
    Please note that a URI is an ID, not a URL (locator), you are using the URI (I think) like a locator here (path). Read that FAQ entry to clear up how it SHOULD be used.

    And yes, I know it works in Tomcat :D, but it shouldn’t and not all app servers support the URIs-as-paths thing, because the spec defines them as IDs, not paths.

    #224924 Reply


    Nope, not new to Eclipse or MyEclipseIDE. I’ve been using this product for quite some time 2+ years. This was the first time I noticed Eclipse importing libraries to the root of a web project when the code repository had them in a different location. No biggy though, just didn’t notice it before.


    #224928 Reply


    I’m still a little confused why Eclipse/MyEclipseIDE cannot resolve the URI definition in my jsps. Here is an example of the definition in the jsp. It still complains that it cannot resolve /WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld in the definition below.

    <%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld” prefix=”tiles” %>

    Here are the values from my web.xml in regards to the taglibs. (note: I verified the tag libraries are indeed located in the WEB-INF directory)


    #224930 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It *should* resolve this just fine, can you try closing the project (and all the open editors) and restarting MyEclipse then opening it and rebuilding the project?

    If that doesn’t work, create a new Web Project, add Struts capabilities to it and create a brand new JSP page using the “Struts 1.1” or “1.2” template, depending on the version of Struts you added.

    Does that page validate fine? Now edit the web.xml file and change the URI to the taglib, and drop the taglib into WEB-INF. Now change the @taglib entrey in the JSP page and resave the page (close/restart ME/reopen the editor if necessary), did that work?

    #224932 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    It *should* resolve this just fine, can you try closing the project (and all the open editors) and restarting MyEclipse then opening it and rebuilding the project?

    If that doesn’t work, create a new Web Project, add Struts capabilities to it and create a brand new JSP page using the “Struts 1.1” or “1.2” template, depending on the version of Struts you added.

    Does that page validate fine? Now edit the web.xml file and change the URI to the taglib, and drop the taglib into WEB-INF. Now change the @taglib entrey in the JSP page and resave the page (close/restart ME/reopen the editor if necessary), did that work?

    Ya know, the project isn’t even being compiled. I’ve specified my destination directory for the source to be …/WEB-INF/classes and that directory doesn’t exist. I verified that my src directory is correctly specified in the Java-Build-Path settings for the project properties. I also verified I had source to build underneath that directory. Not sure why MyEclipseIDE/Eclipse isn’t identify and compile the code. The project src directory is named “Java Source” and the web root is named “Web Content”. Will spaces in those two names cause Eclipse problems???

    Everything seems to be pointing to the right directories but nothing gets built.


    #224934 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ya know, the project isn’t even being compiled. I’ve specified my destination directory for the source to be …/WEB-INF/classes and that directory doesn’t exist.


    Ok so the taglib errors are the least of our worries I take it…

    The project src directory is named “Java Source” and the web root is named “Web Content”. Will spaces in those two names cause Eclipse problems???

    No that should be fine.

    Check your log file for exceptions (near the bottom): <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log, see if there is something interesting in there that will help us figure out what is goin on.

    Also make sure this is a Web Project and not a Java Project (right click > Project Properties, do you see a MyEclipse-Web entry?)

    #224938 Reply


    Come on…give me some credit… 🙂 Yeah, the project properties has a MyEclipse-Web entry.

    My .log file is full of errors. Not sure where to begin with them there are so many. 🙂

    #224940 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Come on…give me some credit… 🙂

    I was, I didn’t once ask you if your computer was turned on or if the monitor was plugged in 😛

    My .log file is full of errors. Not sure where to begin with them there are so many. 🙂

    That’s not good 🙂

    Ok shut down Eclipse, erase the .log file, fire it up and try and rebuild the funky project, then open the log file and paste the events in here.

    #224943 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Come on…give me some credit… 🙂

    I was, I didn’t once ask you if your computer was turned on or if the monitor was plugged in 😛

    My .log file is full of errors. Not sure where to begin with them there are so many. 🙂

    That’s not good 🙂

    Ok shut down Eclipse, erase the .log file, fire it up and try and rebuild the funky project, then open the log file and paste the events in here.

    !SESSION 2005-02-10 16:12:54.86 ————————————————
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.debug 1 1 2005-02-10 16:12:54.86
    Feb 10, 2005 4:12:54 PM com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler ?
    SEVERE: Javac exception
    Error running javac.exe compiler
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.DefaultCompilerAdapter.executeExternalCompile(DefaultCompilerAdapter.java:446)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.JavacExternal.execute(JavacExternal.java:43)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac.compile(Javac.java:936)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac.execute(Javac.java:758)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.driver.MyEclipseJspC.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.driver.MyEclipseJspC.parse(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.JSPValidator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1674)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1694)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validateIfNeeded(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validation.ValidatorLauncher.start(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.launchValidator(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.internalValidate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$2.run(BuildManager.java:574)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:747)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:158)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:192)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$1.run(BuildManager.java:221)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:747)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:224)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.build(BuildManager.java:293)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Project.build(Project.java:105)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.BuildAction.invokeOperation(BuildAction.java:195)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction.execute(WorkspaceAction.java:136)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction$2.run(WorkspaceAction.java:396)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66)
    Caused by: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: javac.exe -classpath “C:\ide\eclipse\startup.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\ldapsec.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\activation.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\javax.servlet.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-j2ee.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-jaas.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jsse.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\”
    at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute$Java13CommandLauncher.exec(Execute.java:831)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute.launch(Execute.java:436)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute.execute(Execute.java:450)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.DefaultCompilerAdapter.executeExternalCompile(DefaultCompilerAdapter.java:443)
    … 38 more
    — Nested Exception —
    java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: javac.exe -classpath “C:\ide\eclipse\startup.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\ldapsec.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\activation.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\javax.servlet.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-j2ee.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-jaas.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jsse.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\”
    at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute$Java13CommandLauncher.exec(Execute.java:831)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute.launch(Execute.java:436)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute.execute(Execute.java:450)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.DefaultCompilerAdapter.executeExternalCompile(DefaultCompilerAdapter.java:443)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.JavacExternal.execute(JavacExternal.java:43)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac.compile(Javac.java:936)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac.execute(Javac.java:758)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.driver.MyEclipseJspC.?(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.driver.MyEclipseJspC.parse(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.JSPValidator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1674)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1694)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.ValidateAction.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validateIfNeeded(Unknown Source)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.validation.Validator.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validation.ValidatorLauncher.start(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.launchValidator(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.internalValidate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.validate(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationOperation.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.validate.ValidationBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$2.run(BuildManager.java:574)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:747)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:158)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:192)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager$1.run(BuildManager.java:221)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:747)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.basicBuild(BuildManager.java:224)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.BuildManager.build(BuildManager.java:293)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Project.build(Project.java:105)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.BuildAction.invokeOperation(BuildAction.java:195)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction.execute(WorkspaceAction.java:136)
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction$2.run(WorkspaceAction.java:396)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66)
    Feb 10, 2005 4:12:54 PM com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.jasper.compiler.Compiler ?
    SEVERE: Env: Compile: javaFileName=/C:/DOCUME~1/jcorbin/LOCALS~1/Temp/myeclipse-jspcc//org/apache/jsp\errorPage_jsp.java
    classpath=C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\ldapsec.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;C:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\activation.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\javax.servlet.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-j2ee.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jboss-jaas.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jsse.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\jts.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_3.8.4\data\libraryset\1.3\mail.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-beanutils.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-collections.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-dbcp.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-digester.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-fileupload.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-lang.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-logging.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-pool.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-resources.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-services.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-validator.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\jdbc2_0-stdext.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\struts.jar;;;;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedJars\starwood_crypto.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedJars\junit.jar;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\classes;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJB\classes;C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedCommon\bin;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.debug_3.8.4\lib\jasper-runtime.jar;C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wdt.jsp.debug_3.8.4\lib\jsp-api.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-beanutils.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-collections.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-dbcp.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-digester.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-fileupload.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-lang.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-logging.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-pool.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-resources.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-services.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\commons-validator.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\lib\struts.jar
    cp=C:\cvs_base\workspace\LightSpeedEJBTest\Web Content\WEB-INF\classes
    work dir=C:\DOCUME~1\jcorbin\LOCALS~1\Temp\myeclipse-jspcc
    extension dir=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_07\lib\ext

    #224976 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please edit the shortcut you use to start MyEclipse and add the -vm argument to the front of it, pointing to the javaw.exe executable that is in the JDK’s bin directory, like this:
    eclipse.exe -vm c:\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe <extra args you use>

    Then shut down, erase log, start back up and try and compile that JSP page again. Make sure the error doesn’t come back. Basically ME is looking for “javac” either via the -vm argument or in your system PATH.

    #225007 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Please edit the shortcut you use to start MyEclipse and add the -vm argument to the front of it, pointing to the javaw.exe executable that is in the JDK’s bin directory, like this:
    eclipse.exe -vm c:\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe <extra args you use>

    Then shut down, erase log, start back up and try and compile that JSP page again. Make sure the error doesn’t come back. Basically ME is looking for “javac” either via the -vm argument or in your system PATH.

    Well, that seems to have fixed the error being generated in the log file. The .log file isn’t generated so I assume that is a good thing. I couldn’t see the /Web Content/WEB-INF/classes directory in Eclipse so I went to Windows command window and navigated to that location. There was a classes directory but nothing in it which confirms my suspicion that the source isn’t building.

    Here is the shortcut I use to launch MyEclipse:

    C:\ide\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm c:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs -Duser.language=en -Xmx512M -Dosgi.splashLocation=”C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\MyEclipseSplash.bmp”

    Here is the version and build number of Eclipse:
    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: 200412162000

    Here is the version and build number of MyEclipseIDE
    Version: 3.8.4
    Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4

    #225011 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I couldn’t see the /Web Content/WEB-INF/classes directory in Eclipse so I went to Windows command window and navigated to that location.

    TIP: You have to use the Navigator view in Eclipse (or Windows explorer) to see your output dir and files. this cannot be done from the package view (design decision by Eclipse team).

    There was a classes directory but nothing in it which confirms my suspicion that the source isn’t building.

    This is very vexing to me… can you (just to humor me) go to your Java Build Path settings, and double check that you have 1 source folder (and verify that it is right) and 1 output folder that is <WebRoot dir>/WEB-INF/classes

    C:\ide\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm c:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs -Duser.language=en -Xmx512M -Dosgi.splashLocation=”C:\ide\MyEclipse\eclipse\MyEclipseSplash.bmp”

    Looks fine to me.

    Here is the version and build number of MyEclipseIDE
    Version: 3.8.4
    Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4

    Can you confirm that this is indeed the MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA for 3.1 installed, and not the 3.8.4 Stable release (which is for Eclipse 3.0.x).

    Also you might want to apply Quickfix 2 for 3.8.4, find it here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-5881.html, you should have a Feb 3rd build id with QF2 suffixed at the end after you apply it. Be sure to grab the right one.

    #225013 Reply



    Just so I am positive I am not wasting your time, I am going to uninstall both MyEclipseIDE and Eclipse and start over fresh and ensure I am using the right versions of both products. I will then rebuild my projects from CVS and see if the issues still remain. It’ll take me a while to do this as I am multitasking other duties at work.


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