
Struts, SSL and Tomcat

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  • #223416 Reply


    Looking for guidance on how to mix http and https in my struts app uing tomcat.

    I have already configured tomcat to listen on 8443 for sll connections but now need my app to support SLL on certain pages. Is is a web.xml thing?

    Any help welcomed.



    #223418 Reply

    Robert Varga

    @npearce wrote:

    Looking for guidance on how to mix http and https in my struts app uing tomcat.

    I have already configured tomcat to listen on 8443 for sll connections but now need my app to support SLL on certain pages. Is is a web.xml thing?

    Any help welcomed.



    I seem to remember seeing the necessary stuff for this on the Struts webpage (struts.apache.org) in the FAQ.


    Robert Varag

    #223419 Reply

    Robert Varga

    @npearce wrote:

    Looking for guidance on how to mix http and https in my struts app uing tomcat.

    I have already configured tomcat to listen on 8443 for sll connections but now need my app to support SLL on certain pages. Is is a web.xml thing?

    Any help welcomed.



    I seem to remember seeing the necessary stuff for this on the Struts webpage (struts.apache.org) in the FAQ.


    Robert Varga

    #223420 Reply

    Robert Varga

    grrr…. misspelling my own name… 🙂

    #223421 Reply


    Thanks for that but at the mo I can’t find anything 2 useful on the apache site…

    I have added the following to web.xml but I do not get redirected to https.


    – exampleProj is the name of the struts app
    – /form/login.jsp is the path to the login screen that I wish to be secure
    – my tomcat install is setup on port 8443 for ssl

    #223492 Reply

    Hi There,

    The url-pattern element takes a pattern not a specific page.

    place your “secure” jsp files under /form/secure/ (just a suggestion)

    I would try the following:




    It should redirect to SSL.

    Now that we are on this subject, the problem I am having is that after the user logs in I want to go back to a NON-SECURE page.

    Putting the following entry below does not redirect me back to a non https page. Can anyone help???

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